Current Club Goals

As you are aware, amateur radio takes some financial commitment in order to obtain and maintain equipment. As a school club, finances is based solely upon fundraising and donations. No funds from the school is used at all to support the club. This page is dedicated to the current financial goals of the club and what we are working towards.

Our New - Current Goal

Our new goal is for the club to obtain and HF radio, purchase an Antenna Analyzer, and a power supply. Right now, the club is borrowing these items, and we would like to obtain our own.

Here is what we are looking to purchase:

I-COM 7300 - $1,349.95 - To be used as the main HF Rig for the club

(2) Alinco Power Supplies DM-330FX $169.95 (each) - One will be used for the donated club 2m radio that we have and will be raising a donated antenna for, and the other will be used for the I-COMM 7300.

MFJ 259CM 470 kHz - 230 MHz Antenna SWR Analyzers MFJ-259CM $299.95 - Used to test antennas, feed lines, equipment etc.

Tigertronics SignaLink - $129.95 - This will be used on our 2m radio to send/receive digital signals via UHF/VHF. We want to start downloading images from the ISS. <

Contributions Towards Current Goal

  • Thank You, ACE Hardware in Newton Falls for allowing us to come and assist with your Grand Opening on Friday, March 31. Dave from the store provided hot dogs and beverages and we sold them for donations to their customers while he allowed us to keep the donations. We were able to raise $45 towards our goal.

Our Last Goal - Achieved - Thank You!

Our last goal was to obtain funding to purchase ARRL Technician books, pay for the testing for the students, and to purchase the students their first HT radio. Through the generous donations from local club and organizations (Newton Falls F.O.P., Newton Falls Kiwanas, Newton Falls Amvets, Newton Falls Lions Club), and some personal donations, we were able to raise these funds and meet our goal of getting the club started. We were also able to purchase a dipole antennas for the school and the hardware needed to attach it to the building at 30+ feet in the air.

Provided by CoolFundraisingIdeas.net

Would you like to help support our goal? Each donation that you make is tax deductible since you are making a donation to the school district. We have 4 different levels for supporters. Please provide your call sign and/or address if you wish to be mentioned under our contributions page or receive the certificates and items via mail. This can be added in the special instructions to the seller option.

You can make donations via PayPal or your Credit Card

$10 - Become a Friend of K8TGR (provide your call sign, e-mail, and address in the notes and we will add you as a member to our supporter club).

$25 - Become a Friend of K8TGR with Supporter Status includes certificate and button. (provide your call sign, e-mail, and address in the notes and we will add you as a member to our supporter club).

$50 - Become a Friend of K8TGR with Platinum Supporter Status includes certificate and button. (provide your call sign, e-mail, and address in the notes and we will add you as a member to our supporter club).

$100 - Become a Friend of K8TGR with Gold Supporter Status includes certificate, button, and a FREE All Day Food pass if you attend the K8TGR Tigers on the Air Event. (provide your call sign, e-mail, and address in the notes and we will add you as a member to our supporter club).

K8TGR - And NFHSTMC is a school sponsored club of
Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools
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